Red Hat Marketplace Operator Custom Resource Definitions

Use this information to learn about the custom resource definitions (CRDs) used by Red Hat Marketplace Operator.

In the following table, CRDs that do not have a hyperlink must not be manually edited unless otherwise instructed, and are manipulated only by the operator.

KindAPI VersionOperator NameDescription
RemoteResourcev1alpha2redhat-marketplace-operator(No Description)
MarketplaceConfigv1alpha1ibm-metrics-operatorMarketplaceConfig is configuration manager for our Red Hat Marketplace controllers By installing this product you accept the license terms
MeterBasev1alpha1ibm-metrics-operatorMeterBase is the resource that sets up Metering for Red Hat Marketplace. This is an internal resource not meant to be modified directly.
MeterDefinitionv1alpha1ibm-metrics-operatorMeterDefinition defines the meter workloads used to enable pay for use billing.
MeterDefinitionv1beta1ibm-metrics-operatorMeterDefinition defines the meter workloads used to enable pay for use billing.
MeterReportv1alpha1ibm-metrics-operatorMeterReport is the Schema for the meterreports API
RazeeDeploymentv1alpha1ibm-metrics-operatorRazeeDeployment is the resources that deploys Razee for the Red Hat Marketplace. This is an internal resource not meant to be modified directly.
DataReporterConfigv1alpha1ibm-data-reporter-operatorDataReporterConfig is the Schema for the datareporterconfigs API