View subscription and entitlement data

Overview on viewing subscription and entitlement data

Entitlements dashboard shows subscription and entitlement data across the account. It also connects to subscription plans and entitlement details for individual purchases.

On Entitlements dashboard, access the following data:

  • active subscriptions,
  • upcoming subscription expiration and renewal,
  • entitlement deployments, and
  • entitlement usage.

This information helps admins track purchases, stay on top of subscription renewal and expiration, ensure purchases are deployed, and monitor usage to remain compliant with agreements.

Entitlements dashboard shows subscription and entitlement data on your account.


  • log in to your account
  • get Purchaser or Admin role


  1. On the main menu, click Workspace, and then click Dashboard.
  2. To view subscription and entitlement data, on Dashboard, click the Entitlements tab.


Subscription and entitlements data on the account shows.

View active subscriptions across the account

The Active subscriptions chart gives admins a high-level view of active subscriptions across the account. To view the chart, navigate to Entitlements dashboard. Totals are grouped by subscription type:

  • Purchases — Subscriptions to paid editions of a product.
  • Free editions — Subscriptions to free editions of a product.
  • Trials — Subscriptions to free trial editions of a product.
  • BYOL — Subscriptions obtained outside of this application, and then imported to Workspace.
  • Datasets — Subscriptions to free datasets.

To view more details, click a subscription type. A filtered view of your entitlements shows.

View upcoming subscription expiration and renewal

The Entitlement terms renewing and Entitlement terms ending charts help admins stay on top of upcoming subscription renewal and expiration. To view the charts, navigate to Entitlements dashboard. The charts show the following information:

  • Date — the date the subscription expires or renews
  • Name — the product you have a current subscription for
  • Edition — the product edition you have access to per your subscription plan

Filter options

To view results within a specific time range, on the Filter list, select one of the following options:

  • Expiring in 30 days — shows all subscriptions that expire or renew within 30 days of today’s date.
  • Expiring in 60 days — shows all subscriptions that expire or renew within 60 days of today’s date.
  • Expiring in 90 days — shows all subscriptions that expire or renew within 90 days of today’s date.
  • Custom — shows all subscriptions that expire within a customizable date range.

Export results

To export results, click the Download button and a CSV file downloads to your browser.

Renew or cancel a subscription term

  • To renew a subscription that expires soon, navigate to the product page, and then purchase a license for an additional term.
  • To cancel an upcoming subscription renewal, on the Entitlements terms renewing chart, click the product Name. Subscription plan details show. To cancel the subscription, clear the auto-renewal checkbox.

View active entitlements reporting usage

The Usage reporting chart gives admins a high-level view of entitlements that actively report usage data. To view the chart, navigate to Entitlements dashboard. The chart show the following information:

  • Products reporting — the total number of editions actively reporting usage data.

    Note: Entitlements reporting usage can be associated to subscriptions obtained outside of the application. In this case, the amount of products reporting usage can exceed the total number of active subscriptions on the account.

To view more details, click the chart. The Current usage page shows. For more information refer to View product usage data.

Compare active subscriptions to deployed entitlements

The Subscriptions and Installations chart helps admins track entitlement deployments across the account. To view the chart, navigate to Entitlements dashboard. The chart shows the following information:

  • Installed subscriptions — the total number of entitlements deployed to OpenShift.
  • Active subscriptions — the total number of active subscriptions across the account.

To view more details, click the chart. The Installed operators and subscriptions page shows with the following information:

  • Product — the product associated to an active subscription
  • Edition — the product edition associated to the active subscription
  • Installed operators — the total number of operators deployed to OpenShift
  • Subscriptions — the total number of subscriptions that include operators
  • Provider — the cloud provider hosting a deployed operator

To deploy an operator to OpenShift, refer to Install OpenShift certified operator.

Export data

To export the data, click the chart, and then click Export CSV. A file downloads to your browser.