Onboard standalone applications

Overview on onboarding standalone applications

Standalone applications are non-containerized software that can be installed to run on Red Hat products. The catalog supports standalone applications certified for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 7 and higher.

To start selling standalone applications through the marketplace, during product onboarding, partners complete the following process:

  1. Certify standalone applications for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, version 7 and higher.
  2. Configure product editions.
  3. Upload standalone applications to object storage.

Certification requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Partners who want to offer their own non-containerized software for use on systems and cloud environments running Red Hat Enterprise Linux need to certify their products through Red Hat. For more information on the technical and operational certification requirements, refer to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Software Certification Policy Guide.

Support and maintenance for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

To learn more about support and maintenance for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, refer to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle.

Configure standalone editions on Partner portal

During product edition setup, for standalone products, partners need to configure their edition with the following information:

  • For Delivery method, set to Download. Customers access standalone applications by downloading artifacts from object storage.
  • For Standalone application information, select supported versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Customers need to know which version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux is compatible with the standalone application.

Upload standalone applications to object storage

To help ensure customers can access standalone applications, upload product artifacts to object storage. For more information, refer to Uploading and downloading product artifacts.