Enable usage reporting

Overview on usage reporting

Customers have the option to enable usage reporting to track software consumption across a hybrid cloud environment. Usage data shows on the following pages:

  • Current usage — shows usage across all products on the account that report usage.
  • Product usage — shows usage details on individual products on the account that report usage.
  • Software — shows usage details on individual products on the account that report usage, as well as subscription plan details.

To enabled usage reporting, leverage the following technologies:

  • IBM License Service — reports usage on operator-based products deployed to OpenShift. Users can configure their OpenShift environment to deliver usage to Workspace.
  • IBM License Metric Tool — reports usage on products that are deployed to environments other than OpenShift, including virtual machines, selected public clouds, logical partitions, and physical computers. Users can export data from the tool to Workspace.

Enable usage reporting through IBM License Service

Usage data collected by IBM License Service can be integrated with your Workspace. The data transfer applies only to information about the products that are deployed on a cluster and enabled for License Service integration. Data shows on Usage page. To integrate IBM License Service, prepare your OpenShift environment using the following procedure.


  1. Install IBM License Service Operator

    Note: For IBM License Service in version older than 1.12.0 you need to set rhmpEnabled: true in IBM Licensing custom resource (for all newer versions this is automatically set). Also, in License Service older than 1.9 reporting usage is not supported.

  2. Install IBM Metrics Operator

    • Install the IBM Metrics Operator from your cluster Operator Hub page

    • Create a Kubernetes secret in the installed namespace with the name redhat-marketplace-pull-secret and key PULL_SECRET with the value of the Red hat Marketplace Pull Secret

    oc create secret generic redhat-marketplace-pull-secret -n redhat-marketplace --from-literal=PULL_SECRET=${PULL_SECRET}
    • Update MarketplaceConfig to accept the license
    oc patch marketplaceconfig marketplaceconfig -n redhat-marketplace --type='merge' -p '{"spec": {"license": {"accept": true}}}'
  3. Optional - If you have Cloud Pak for Data version 4.7.x or newer run the apply entitlement command on each namespace where IBM Cloud Pak for Data is installed to enable proper usage reporting.


Usage reporting is now enabled. Usage data shows throughout the experience after 36 hours.

Enable usage reporting through IBM License Metric Tool

Usage data collected by IBM License Metric Tool can be exported to your Workspace. Data shows on Current usage and Product usage pages. To enable usage reporting, refer to the following procedure.


  1. Get a pull secret
    • On the main menu, click your user name, click My Account, click Pull secrets, and then click Create pull secret.
    • On the Pull secret name box, enter a unique name for your pull secret.
    • To get your pull secret, on the Your pull secret box, click the Copy button (copy icon).
    • Click Save.
  2. Configure export settings through IBM License Metric Tool.


Usage reporting is now enabled. Usage data shows throughout the experience within the hour.